What Is an IPL Photofacial?
Intense pulsed light (IPL) Photofacial can help one achieve a better skin tone and texture. This treatment helps to remove unwanted brown spots, sun damage on the skin, rosacea, small spider veins, fine line reductions, broken blood vessels, and overall helps with skin rejuvenation.
This treatment has a low risk of side effects and requires no downtime. The best part is that this treatment can remove years of sun damage to the face, chest, neck, and hands in just months.
What Are the Benefits to IPL Photofacial Treatments?
There are many reasons to choose the Photofacial light treatment. The first to note is that it is safe and proven to be an effective way to rejuvenate the skin. It is also the best way to treat sun-damaged skin and is quick and convenient. In addition, the deep penetration of this treatment stimulates new collagen growth which helps to reduce age lines and premature skin aging.
As well, if your skin is discoloured because of smoking, alcohol use, or hormonal changes, this treatment can help to refine your complexion.
How Long is Each Treatment?
Each session is done in a 30-minute procedure that uses a small hand piece that releases pulses of light to the surface of the skin.
Does an IPL Photofacial Treatment Hurt?
Each person has a different pain tolerance but on average we can say that there is only minimal discomfort and a majority of clients can tolerate this treatment quite well. Our team also can provides numbing cream to those who need it.
How Many Treatments Do I Need?
How many treatments needed simply depends on how many areas you are looking at getting done and the severity of the condition of your skin. On average, you can expect anywhere from 1-4 treatments to get the best results, with each treatment being scheduled 3 to 6 weeks apart.
How Much Does a Treatment Session Cost?
A consultation is required to determine the pricing of a session for each individual but on average a full face tends to fall around $250, the face, neck, and chest tend to fall around $350, and hands tend to fall around $150. Book a consultation at Ava Laser Clinic to determine your treatment cost.
What Can I Expect After the Treatment?
The severity of a client’s sun damage can determine how strong the reaction might be. Most times, the skin on the face may show some red but your laser practitioner will discuss this with you before your treatment begins. Any post-treatment reactions of redness usually resolve within 2 days and makeup can be worn after 2 days.
Am I a Candidate for IPL Photofacial?
People who are not candidates for this treatment include women that are pregnant, clients who have been sun tanning2 to 3 weeks before treatment, clients with light-sensitive disorders, clients who suffer light-induced seizures, and clients who are on medications with sunlight exposure warnings such as Accutane or Tetracycline. It is always recommended to speak to your doctor before scheduling you’re appointment.